Annabelle Nelson, PhD | Professor | School of Human Organization and Development | Fielding Graduate University
Annabelle has a lifelong passion for understanding how humans learn, so that programs can match these natural tendencies and can help humans become healthy emotionally and spiritually. That pursuit has led Nelson to seek authenticity in her own awareness and contact the healing and spiritual force within. She has practiced yoga, meditation, imagery, and storytelling, all in her quest to allow the spirit within to be unleashed to move into health and happiness. Nelson holds a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in Developmental and Child Psychology, is a Professor at the Fielding Graduate University and is the founder of the WHEEL Council, Wholistic, Health, Education and Empowerment for Life. She was also a Fullbright scholar to India. She is an author, storyteller, teacher, and program developer.
Directly from graduate school, Nelson worked for the Marylhurst Education Center, which was a leader in creating programs for working adults and giving college credit for experiential learning. She was a faculty member and administrator at Prescott College for 10 years where she started the Adult Degree Program, a BA program for working adults, and the Center for Indian Bilingual Teacher Education, a teacher certification program for American Indian teacher aides living on reservations. She led the College in getting approval for its teacher education certification program from the Arizona Department of Education.
She has taught higher education and graduate courses in Mysticism, Child Development, Curriculum Development, Learning Theory, Special Education, Human Development, Holistic Health, Theories of Personality and other related courses. Her speciality in curriculum development led her to write books and create programs on how to maximize learning in any environment. Her work in black urban communities, Indian Nations, and teaching in India led her to create a multicultural learning model, documented in her book, The Learning Wheel. Her experience with altered stated of consciousness through spiritual practice and through intuitive visions created the basis for her book, Living the Wheel. She has also published many articles on learning, multicultural awareness and spiritual growth. Her background in community psychology and working with diverse populations produced the WHEEL Council, a 10 year old non profit, serving the Latino population in south central Phoenix, Arizona, with health education for substance abuse and HIV prevention with the unique approach of storytelling for cultural resilience.
Annabelle is a mother of three wonderful children, enjoys cooking, bicycling and skiing. She has homes in Flagstaff, Arizona and Nederland, Colorado.
Annabelle Nelson Faculty Page at Fielding Graduate University